Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Blog for Module 1

On Nature and Senses

Glenn R. Ricaforte

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Hans Christian Andersen

You can see…

the prismatic hues of rainbow
the crimson of roses
the green of thicket
the blue of ocean

and yet, you can see

                the murky water of river… what a shame!
You can hear…

        the singing of nightingale
        the buzzing of bee
        the growling of tiger
        the rattling of snake

                        and yet, you can hear

                        the weeping of an orphaned eaglet… what a shame!

You can taste….

        the sweetness of honey
        the sourness of vinaigrette
        the saltiness of sea grapes
        the bitterness of arugula
                        and yet, you can taste

                        the putrefying venison… what a shame!

You can smell

        the flowery fragrance of garden
        the fresh scent  of newly scythed grassland
        the enigmatic odor of durian
        the strong aroma of Arabica beans

                        and yet, you can smell

                        the stench of decomposition  in a dying river… what a shame!

You can feel

the chill of winter
the crispness of spring
the warm of summer
the dreariness of fall
                        and yet, you can feel

the unexplainable environmental ambiance... what a shame!

of winter and flower …

        of spring and grass…

                of summer and ocean…
                        of fall and leaves…

                                of river and fish…

of honey and bee…

of humanity and all…

                                                     Endless possibilities….

Senses are forever be free…
                                      and so is NATURE!


  1. Awesome Glenn! Its really a SHAME! I want my senses to see, smell, hear and feel all the goodness of the nature. But isn't it the answers to when and where are losing fast? We say we love flowers but we pluck them. We say we love trees but we cut them down. Wake up!!!

  2. what a beautiful poem!.. but it would have been more beautiful if some of the ecological concepts you learned in the course were integrated in the development of the poem...or the issue that was raised in the poem...nice...
